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Accurate detection system.

Weather-proof enclosure

Long-range transmission.

Real-time data updates

Easier parking.


Our hardware keeps track of each occupied and vacant parking spot in your lot. Parking data is automatically sent to the cloud database and subsequently displayed on our integrated app or website in real-time.




GET PARKED is simple to use, highly accurate, and cost effective. It offers parking guidance to direct cars to open spots in your lots, increasing usage, revenues, and customer satisfaction.


Key Properties

Location Services for Nearby Parking Lots

Real-time parking data transmission


Wireless Encrypted Communication


Parking availability accessible by app


Image data not stored

Parking Spot Detection

The parking spot detection system, running on a Raspberry Pi, utilizes OpenCV and Python language for its detection algorithms. The system can identify open parking stalls under many conditions. This model has been trained using preselected images sourced from the internet and known parking lot locations. The method integrates vehicle and open-spot detection by defining regions of interest within the image, using color comparisons in the Hue Saturation Value (HSV) range to highlight pixels corresponding to the parking stall ground color. Training the model with varying lighting conditions and weather conditions creates a robust parking spot vacancy detection system. 


Data Transmission

The cloud-based server called The Things Network (TTN), is utilized as the hub for seamless data transfer. After running the detection algorithm, the Raspberry Pi transmits serialized parking data to our LoRaWAN device via the PySerial Python library. This data is routed via the UART pins from the PI to the LoRaWAN transmitter, providing a secure connection.

The LoRAWAN transitions  the binary values denoting parking availability to a base64 format and pushes to the network.

The integration extends to our app,  where we pull The Things Network's data stream using the MQTT broker. The stream is decoded to extract the bnase-64 parking data.

The data undergoes a multi-step conversion process, transforming into Boolean values. The Boolean value serves as a pivotal input in the app's functionality, conveying the real-time status of parking availability to the user.



Mobile Application

Available as a free Android app, GET PARKED boasts an intuitive and user-friendly design, ensuring seamless navigation for both seasoned users and first-timers alike. The app dynamically retrieves real-time data from cloud based server, converting it to a useable value. This continuous integration of data is presented to users via the App, offering an immediate visual representation of parking availability.

Our app incorporates a Google Maps page that displays the user's current location alongside nearby parking lots. The map markers adopt a color-based scheme, with red indicating mostly occupied lots and green denoting mostly open spots. Users can effortlessly navigate to any chosen lot by clicking on the respective marker.

Each parking lot features a dedicated page showcasing current availability, occupied and handicapped spots, augmented with red and green boxes overlaying a mapped photo of the lot within the app.

Users have the flexibility to manage location services, enabling or disabling them as needed. Furthermore, our app empowers users to submit bug reports, suggest features, and engage in live support for immediate assistance.


Weather-proof Enclosure

All the hardware is meticulously housed within a ISO67-rated enclosure, specifically crafted to accommodate and protect our technology. Engineered for durability, this enclosure is waterproof, dustproof, and capable of withstanding pressures exceeding 50 psi. The enclosure is built to withstand the heat generated by both internal and environmental temperatures. Integrated into the enclsoure are 3D printed inserts, tailored to secure the computer, camera, and transmitter in optimal and position within the enclosure. Strategically positioned towards the parking lot, the enclosure is to capture the maximum of 400 parking stalls in a single wide-lens photo. To enhance functionality, the case is equipped with an anti-glare feature and secure power sealing, ensuring the longevity of our product in various environmental conditions.

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We are proud to have partnered with Camosun College, whose experience and support have allowed us to create a system that revolutionizes the parking experience.

Contact Us

Camosun College

4461 Interurban Rd, Victoria, BC


© 2023 by GET PARKED

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