Our Project
Optical Sensor
An Optical sensor is a device that uses light to detect the presence or absence of an object. It measures physical quantity such as distance, position, or speed. The sensor we chose is seen in the picture as option a).

Opto Disk
In this picture, you can see the Opto Disk. The thin layer of the Opto Disk sits in the center of the light-emitting diode (LED), moving in a circle until the light is no longer detected through the slit. This is able to tell us the "home" position of our arm.
The Articulation
In this picture, you can see where the opto disk fits, this allows the arm to rotate with the user having no worries of the arm exceeding its maximum rotation.

Individual Articulations
SLA Printing Technology
PCB (Printed Circuit Board)
The printed circuit board our team utilized in our system was designed by none other than Angel LM, the creator behind "Thor". For a more detailed comprehensive breakdown, please check our detailed Bill of Materials, which can be found in the documentation tab. This PCB is housed with eight motor drivers, each dedicated to controlling the movements of its own stepper motor, along with a servo motor. The PCB establishes a direct connection with the Arduino Mega providing transmission of data generated by each optical sensor directly to our computer system.

Thor in action!
In the video below, you will see the early testing stages of Thor. This video was taking once the arm was constructed, and all the articulations were in a working fasion.

6 Degrees of Freedom
Open Source
Detailed instructions