The Ghost Platform In-depth

Motion Recording is the main funtion of The Ghost Platform, the way we record is by using a BNO055 9 - Axis motion sensor which can capture impacts and impulses as well as calculate any gravitational forces acting upon the enclosure.
Remotely control vehicles?
The team has plans for the Ghost Platform to eventually have the ability to remotely control vehicles over cellular network. This could allow users from across the world to interact with vehicles on the other side of the planet instantly, while also experiencing everything that the vehicle does as well.
Enclosure Design
Our 3D-printed enclosure is more than just a protective shell; It allows us to create custom-fit housing for all of Ghost's critical components.
The modelling and printing process was carried out precisely, ensuring a snug fit and robust protection. The enclosure not only shields the internal components from external elements but also adds to the aesthetic appeal of Ghost,
Showcasing a blend of functionality and thoughtful design.
What Could The Ghost Platform Be Used For?
The Ghost Platform could potentially accommodate a variety of real - world applications. A few areas where the team believes it could really perform well in are:
- Race tracks
- Movie Theatres
- Collision Reconstruction
- Video Games Industries